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Lowell, Michigan, United States
Dogs were born to run. I wasn't, but I do it anyway. :)

Welcome to Humbletown

posted by Andrew 06 March 2007

I was feelin' pretty good on the treadmill this afternoon. After warming up for 10 minutes at a 9:00 pace, I did a tempo run by cruising 20 minutes at a 7:30 pace. Not finished, I ran a 9:00 pace a couple minutes then charged into a 7:00 pace for a few minutes, then another 9:00 recovery and finally a 6:00 pace for a couple minutes! I got tired, but not worn out, so I was pretty proud...

Except for the fact that the guy on the treadmill next to me was running pops, doing the fast portions at a 5:00 pace!!! He kept this up for an hour, while I lasted only 45 minutes.

Note to self: Speed is relative. No matter how fast I feel, there are still thousands of people out there who can kick my ass. Some of them don't even train.

I guess the important thing is that I'm faster than Andrew of the past (except for the 1993-1994 Andrew and his 20:08 5K, who I'm trying to beat this year). If I can do that, then I'll be history's fastest me.

