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Lowell, Michigan, United States
Dogs were born to run. I wasn't, but I do it anyway. :)

Physical Therapy - Parts 2 and 3

posted by Andrew 03 January 2007

Last week I forgot to write about my second PT session, which didn't go so well. Session 1 was run by a PT assistant (not a full PT) and one who was just a contractor substituting for the regular guy, Doug. For session 2, Doug was still on vacation so I saw another PTA substitute and she was rather clueless. She hadn't read my file by the time I showed up and didn't know what was wrong with my shoulder. She was about to ultrasound the outside of my shoulder (the deltoid?) when I informed her that it was a different muscle, one on the shoulder blade. So we did the ultrasound and then she worked the front of my shoulder, which was rather painful. Actually, it hurt for three days afterward! I don't know if it's supposed to do that but it feels OK now. At least she was friendly and willing to explain all that she could.

Yesterday, session 3, went much better since Doug was finally there. He's very knowledgeable but rather distractable, too. It didn't help that there were only two PTs on staff there and I was one of five patients in the room! Nevertheless, Doug did some good detective work trying to figure out my shoulder. I raised my arm, and it clicked going up and down as usual. Then he would hold my shoulder in different positions within the socket while I moved my arms again, trying to see if there was a place where the clicking would stop.

He found it, too - it turns out my shoulder has kind of drooped forward against the front of the socket. The injured muscle(s) on my shoulder blade are so weak now that they don't hold the shoulder tight. After loosening up the muscles a bit, he had me do some exercises that were different than what I'd done before. Boy can I really feel it today! My shoulder blade muscles feel sore, the good kind of sore. My next session is tomorrow.

Next time I have PT, I'm going to ensure that the regular PT is the one to see me for my first appointment because after yesterday, I feel like the first two sessions were pointless and a waste of $25 copays. Speaking of which... I elected the best health insurance offered by my employer just for reasons like this and I figured that $25 (for a maximum 30 sessions per year) must be good. While I'm in line waiting to pay, two college students in front of me discuss their coverage, which is $15 copays and 60 visits per year! What?! Why doesn't my company offer that?

