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Lowell, Michigan, United States
Dogs were born to run. I wasn't, but I do it anyway. :)

Amanda the Trail Runner

posted by Andrew 10 April 2007

Amanda caught me off guard today - it was supposed to be a rest day for her exercise but I got an email at work asking "Do you want to go with me and run on that trail you found yesterday?" You bet!

We ran the first half mile or so - Amanda ran the whole way despite the challenging trail. It was funny to watch her have to stop and step over fallen logs, the same logs that I barely notice when running over them! Long legs can be an asset there.

After one lap we got out the camera and Amanda started taking photos. The awesome artistic ones are on Amanda's blog, some shots of the trail itself are on my new blog Why Run?, and this really cute one is looking right at you. :)

Finally I left Amanda to wander among nature while I ran the 4 miles home. I started out slow but kept upping the pace until I was really hurting. I somehow convinced myself to not let up and I finished in under 30 minutes for a 7:26 pace! It was hilly, too (including the last 1/4 mile up an 80-foot killer) so I'm happy, but very tired.

